22 Feb 2022

Happy Birthday

Submitted by Damselfly

What do you remember of the people you love who are no longer nearby?  A look… a place… For me, today is rich with memories of deep, genuine laughter.  

Getting older is interesting.  Sadly, it means that the people most influential in life may be leaving this world. Whatever your belief, they land in the dirt, or on to their next adventure.  I prefer the latter.  

My dad was one of those people for me.  Realizing today he’s been gone for 15 years seems unreal.  I can close my eyes and see him.  And he’s smiling.  I can see us on the bench in the picture, resting after a morning of fishing, not walking far as his breathing was compromised, but always smiling. 

I can hear his laughter.  Mostly after a joke he told himself, or a trick he played… but genuine, deep, laughter.  I learned to laugh freely in the house I was raised in, thanks to my mum and dad.  What a joyful sound. 

Today I am sad he’s gone but glad he’s not suffering.  I miss him every day, but I wouldn’t wish him back for chemo and difficulty breathing.  But I sure would like to talk to him.   

I’d like to sit and chat about the state of the world and how he sees it.  I’d love to hear his views and opinions (and he had them)!  I’d love for him to meet my family and my friends he hasn’t yet met who have become family to me. 

Somehow, I find comfort in a belief that he sees me in this world, and he knows I’m doing all right. 

Today I celebrate my dad and thank him for the foundation he gave me, with my mom as an amazing partner. I thank him for any part he’s had in guiding people to my path assuring there are other influential people to take his earthly spot.  They taught me what unconditional love looks like.

Take time to appreciate the people around you today.  Let’s reconnect in 2022 and start filling the divisions in the world with the gift that is our friendship. Let’s teach others what we’ve learned.  Know of my love for all of you, near or far.  

Happy birthday Dad!

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