15 Aug 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

Despite ups and downs, life has been very good for me.  I was raised in a wonderful family environment that exposed me to many people and experiences, molding me as a tolerant and accepting person, willing to try new things.  I had the opportunity to attend college to pursue the job I wanted.  I got that job I wanted, and worked in the profession for 30 years.

I have also had fun!

I have traveled to places near and far.  I have fished, hiked, and camped in some amazing places.  I can ride my bike and play with kids.  Despite my aging body I can still jump (not high) and skip (not gracefully) and run (not fast or far). 

I have scars…inside and out.  The scars have given me stories to tell and have helped build my character.

It seems I am quite a character.

Along my journey, I have met the most wonderful people.  Some are family, some are friends, and some are friends who have become family.  They too are characters.  A large number of these characters are many miles away.  We have become kindred spirits, sharing something along the way that has connected us. 

Distance can be a difficult part of those relationships.  Mind you, it does not harm them!  They have remained strong over the years.  What I have learned, as I age, is that reunions are becoming much more important.

Our family has a huge reunion every year at Mum’s house.  It has become quite a tradition and is an incredible food-fest.  Through the years, we have celebrated births, birthdays, and raised a glass to those who are no longer with us.  I am so grateful for my family and appreciate those who make the effort come and join in the celebration.

Reunions with other characters in my life are not as frequent as the annual family meeting.

I had the opportunity to reunite with two of my characters this past week.  One, a dear friend I met through fly tying.  He once lived “near by” and has moved to the warmer climates of the south.  He was home for family reasons, contacting me to let me know he would be in the area.

We set up a reunion!

The other character that came within “reunion range” was my best friend (and accomplice) from college days.  Our lives have taken us in different directions although we have managed to stay in touch.

As a side note, I am thankful to Facebook for the easy format to keep in touch with so many people.

It was interesting to meet with both of my characters.  Despite the years that have passed since we last saw one another, in both situations, it was like turning back the clock.  I felt like it had only been days since I had seen them last.  Of course, none of us have aged a bit!

We did have more to talk about given the amount of time that had passed between meetings!

Our conversations flowed.  We jumped in talking without any hint of hesitation.  We reminisced.  We laughed.  We caught up on what had happened in our lives.  We promised to make the next reunion happen sooner rather than later.

Getting older brings the importance of these reunions to the surface. 

Over the years, I have experienced loss.  Losing family and friends is a painful reality of life.  I realize the memories of reunions allow me to celebrate the life of the person I have lost, rather than dwell in sadness.  Therefore, I am committed to making reunions a priority.  I want as many opportunities as possible to celebrate life with my characters.


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