Damselfly's blog

4 Jun 2016

Slowing Down

Submitted by Damselfly

“There is never enough time to get everything done!”  Sound familiar?  We have become a society of multi-taskers.  The more we can get done, the more we are praised for the accomplishment.  We use technology, fast food, fast cars… whatever it takes to get more done in less time.  I too have been “that girl”.  

3 Jun 2016

The List

Submitted by Damselfly

Today my brain is spinning.  I’m walking through the house performing my usual routine.  I’m awake before 6:00 AM, big glass of water, make smoothies for Hubby and me while listening to my morning meditation, and look at “the list” for the day. 

2 Jun 2016

Remember When?

Submitted by Damselfly

Last night Hubby and I drove to Slippery Rock, PA to meet friends at North Country Brewing Company for dinner.  The place has a great history in that small town.  It’s a rustic dining establishment/brewery with awesome woodwork, friendly wait staff, and an easy atmosphere. They have a farm-to-table menu with selections for everyone.  The food was good, and the beer cold and enjoyable.

1 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

It is a glorious Monday morning here in northwestern Pennsylvania, USA.  The sun has been shining, the birds singing their morning songs, and I have been a busy girl since first light.  I love early mornings.   It is during the morning hours that I feel most productive and ready to go!  After a great gym workout, I drove home reflecting on my weekend, and re-evaluating what I am doing day to day.


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