2 Jul 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

I am a creature of habit.  I like my routines.  They give me a sense of security.  Like anyone, I like variety as well.  Stir it up a bit.  However, returning to my routines gives me a sense of comfort… like being home.

I find myself getting into a routine with food.

I have the same breakfast and lunch nearly every day. 

I have the same snacks.

Dinnertime offers the most variety, and that is where I can fumble when it comes to sticking to a healthful eating plan.  Later in the day I get tired and feel less like cooking.  If I have nothing planned, the results are eating quickly or eating out.  I try to plan some simple dinners so I have a stand-by idea ready.

Overall, I am a healthy eater and I choose to eat whole foods, or those as close to “whole” as possible. 

What in the world is “whole food?” 

Whole foods are as nature provides.  Foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, meats, seafood, or grains.  When we cook, we process the food.  Cooking transforms some foods from indigestible to edible, or helps to break it down for easier digestion.  It is a way we have evolved as human beings, and has enriched our lives.

Over processing breaks down the nutritious or beneficial components of foods and reduces the health benefit.   Many foods have ingredients added during processing, some of which I challenge you to pronounce!  The additives are there to preserve color, enhance flavor, or change the texture of the food.  The additives can be there to make the food sweeter, or thicker, or crisper.  I think some additives are there to enhance our cravings.  I find the more ingredients a food has, the less my body likes it.

How do I know?

When I eat over-processed foods, I feel sluggish and tired.  I get thirsty and crave more water than I usually drink… and on my routine days, I drink well beyond the recommended eight to ten glasses of water a day!   The extra water leaves me feeling bloated.  I am without my usual energy and have less desire to get up and do my usual tasks, let alone get in some good exercise.

Interestingly, the more over-processed food I eat, the more I crave it!  Remember the Lay’s potato chip slogan, “Bet you can’t eat just one”?  Potato chips are like an addictive drug for me!  Eat just one?  One handful?  One bowlful? One bag!

I find avoiding those foods makes it much easier for me to stay on track and feel good.

Do I still eat those foods that make me feel bad?

Sure I do!

I try to be proactive and not bring those things home. I work to create an environment where I can succeed.  It starts at the grocery store.  Leaving those items at the store and bringing home nutritious foods makes it much easier to stick to a healthful plan.  I have carrots, apples, almonds, (and some salted cashews for Hubby) always on hand.  All of that offers some sweet, crunch, and salt.  I try to avoid the salty cashews, but know that if am craving a salty snack, those nuts are far healthier for me than some sort of chip!  I will just be mindful of the portion.

The biggest challenge is going out somewhere and having those addictive foods present.  It is so tempting!  This time of year the weekends are full of picnics and celebrations.  I love picnic food!  Hotdogs, hamburgers, pasta and potato salads… and who can resist a baked bean dish loaded with meat and bacon? There are vegetable salads heavy with dressings and seasonings.  I cannot forget the desserts!  Everyone has a special brownie, or pie, or cookie recipe that comes out to the delight of all… especially ME!

I love food and picnics are the best!

How can I possibly eat healthy amidst that temptation?


I can plan to eat a healthy snack prior to the celebration so I am not so hungry when I arrive.  I can avoid alcohol.  I know my inhibitions are less when drinking alcohol, and I am tempted to overeat when I drink.  I can choose very small portions of those things I love.

I know me.  I am not perfect.  I will do the best I can in each situation.  I will enjoy my celebrations, and work to assure I feel good the day after.  I will work to avoid the bloated, sluggish feelings that make me want to move less and eat more.

Today, I will go for a run in preparation of a big holiday picnic weekend.

This weekend I will celebrate… in moderation!

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