5 Nov 2016

Miss Kim and Katie Q’s Excellent Adventure – Day 12

Submitted by Damselfly

We had a good night’s rest for our last night “on the road”.   I say that because we will be spending the rest of our trip in the comfort of Katie Q and her hubby’s new home in California. 


It is hard to believe this adventure is coming to a close!

We have certainly made the best of each day we were given.

Day 12 was no different.

We had a good rest last night at the home of our hosts in Fresno.  They hail from different places on the east coast and met in Tennessee.  She works in environmental policy and he is an emergency room doctor.  The house was so interesting as they displayed evidence of their world travels to places like Nepal and Cambodia.

Our host greeted us with a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. Katie Q was well pleased.  Kali, their dog also greeted us with a wagging tail and puppy kisses.  I was well pleased.   After our coffee we packed up and headed out.

We left Fresno and drove into fog.  Well, it was not fog.  We learned from our Air BnB host that the fog is actually smog. 

 Air quality is a huge issue in the valley.  We learned from our environmentalist host that the major producers of smog are the major industries:  agriculture and gas and oil.  We also learned that the smog is held in that valley due to the three mountain ranges keeping it corralled into that particular area and a pressure zone that puts a “lid” on the overall area which gives the bad air no place to move out.

Not good.

Our drive away from Fresno took us through a large section of the land used for agriculture.  We drove past almond orchards and hulling facilities.  Outside of the hulling buildings were large mounds of almond hulls, some of them covered with tarps.  After some research (thank you Google) we learned that the hulls are sold for use in animal foods and landscape mulch.

We passed by citrus orchards and cotton fields.  A billboard pointed out that 1.2 million jobs in California rely on agriculture.  Amazing.

We stopped in Oakland for lunch.  Katie Q once again found us an amazing meal at a place called Timeless Coffee Roasters.  Again, it was vegan.  Again, I was impressed.  I ordered a broccoli and “cheese” quiche. Quiche is made with eggs. This quiche had  no eggs.  It also had no dairy cheese.  It did have a very flaky crust.  If I had been served that quiche at any other restaurant I would have had no idea that it was vegan.  It was marvelous and the coffee too was wonderful.  Katie Q had a “sausage” empanada.  Although I did not taste it, it looked the part and she was happy with her choice.  

We had happy bellies and continued on our way.

Our next stop was the park at the Golden Gate Bridge.  The park is a huge recreational land tract that offers the city of San Francisco a place to get away from the concrete.  There are trails for walking, horseback riding, and miles of good cycling.  Given it was Saturday, there were many people taking advantage of the day.  We drove to a viewing point, took pictures, and headed to a lighthouse.  It was a great day to visit.  

We drove across the Golden Gate Bridge.  It is noted as one of the Modern Wonders of the World.  What a treat!  We could see the infamous Alcatraz Prison in the distance.  Given we both worked in prison, we had no desire to visit.  

The bridge is an architectural wonder.  The construction was finished in 1937.  Until 1964 it was the longest suspension bridge in the world, spanning 4,200 feet (1,300 meters).  We shot some photos going across the bridge, watching the people walking and biking across, and headed in to San Francisco.

We drove through the streets of San Francisco noting the hills and the architecture.  The homes are amazing and a fantastic blend of victorian and modern architectural detail.  Although we did not get to drive on the infamous Lombard Street, we got a good taste of the hilly, curvy neighborhoods.  

We found our way down town to the train station where we would meet Katie Q’s hubby.  His train was only a few minutes late.  It was a short wait for Katie Q given she has waited four weeks to see him.  Her hubby drove out a month ago.  He had a four day trek with no one to talk to except their dog Deacon.  He was happy to have his lovely bride finally join him.

Once reunited, we went to Pier 39 for a tour and a beer.  Both were delightful.  

I am not a city person.  

Katie Q and her hubby were used to Pittsburgh and its traffic with over 300,000 people.  

I am not.

Katie Q’s hubby drove us out of San Francisco and its traffic with over 800,000 people.

I sat in the back seat with my head down, typing this blog.

We arrived in San Mateo and were greeted by a tail-wagging Deacon.  Katie Q gave big props to her hubby for how well he set up their new home.  

We settled in for pizza, beer, and a good night of rest.  Endings and new beginnings, we are all grateful that life is good.


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