14 Jun 2016

Simple Pleasures

Submitted by Damselfly

It has been a flurry of activity with the weather as it has been.  Warm and dry.  I love spending time outside.  This past week there has certainly been much to do, and keeping the grass mowed has been a chore.  First, the push-mower gets a workout mowing all around the house, and trimming the grass around the trees.  Then, I ride the big mower around the yard, getting time to sit and take it my surroundings as I steer around the two-plus acre plot.

13 Jun 2016

Work and Play

Submitted by Damselfly

The weekend was a whirl of activity.  Yesterday I was back at Mum’s, this time with Hubby and his truck of tools.  She has a swimming pool that has been in place for well over 20 years.  Pennsylvania winters pose a bit of a challenge to aboveground swimming pool owners.  Over the years, the ground has shifted, and with it, the supports.  This year the decking was heaved so badly it posed a safety hazard.  We had the task of disassembling the deck on her swimming pool, attempting to re-level the supports, and reassemble the deck. 

12 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

Although the weather has been a bit unpredictable, overall the temperatures have been warm and welcoming.  After a bit of a cool, wet spring, the end of the season has allowed things to dry out a bit.  The grass is growing, the trees are green, and the underbrush in the woods surrounding the house has grown up and become a bustle of activity with squirrels, rabbits, and chipmunks (to the delight of the barn cats). 

I have spent most of the past few days in the dirt.  Literally.  For me, working in the dirt is a labor of love.

11 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

Today I made a journey to Gravel Run Farms near Saegertown, Pennsylvania. I have been purchasing eggs from them for a few months now. I love fresh eggs.  The yolks are bright yellow, and the shells a variety of tan, white, and pale green.   The farm is owned and operated by Jasen and Kelly Diley.  They graciously allowed me a visit to meet the “girls”.

10 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

When I was in my early 20’s, I lived in Virginia.  I was on a visit “home”, and my dad and a dear friend of his were going fly fishing behind the house.  (Being raised on a trout stream is yet another story!)  They asked me if I wanted to join them.  At that point, I had better things to do than fish, but enjoyed being outside, so agreed that a walk along the stream would be nice.

9 Jun 2016

Easy versus Simple

Submitted by Damselfly

I went to the gym this morning, as per my usual routine on Thursday.  I arrived about 7:45 AM, turned on the lights, started the music playing, and started my warm up.  As always, the start of my workout is a way to get my muscles warmed up and settle the spinning of my thoughts.  Time to focus on the workout.

8 Jun 2016

The Garden

Submitted by Damselfly

Last night, the rains came.  Not a steady rain, but sporadic bursts… sometimes noisy, enhanced by thunder and lightening, sometimes quietly dropping from the sky.  After a long stretch of dry, sunny weather, the rain is welcome.  I am not thrilled that it will allow the grass to spring back to life, but I am thrilled for the garden.

7 Jun 2016

Mowing The Lawn

Submitted by Damselfly

Yesterday was a day full of tasks.  Most of them were a bit time-consuming.  One item on my list was mowing the lawn.

Mowing our two to three acre lawn is a therapy of sorts… a three-hour therapy session.  The session started with the trusty Toro push mower.  I pushed the old red mower around the house, getting into the nooks and crannies that evade the bigger riding mower.  When I was satisfied I had allowed myself enough room around the house, trees, and other lawn obstacles, it was time to fire up the Husky.

5 Jun 2016

Just Keep Moving

Submitted by Damselfly

Yesterday was a remarkable day!  It started early and ended too late for me to write!  I was up before dawn, packed the Subaru, loaded “Jefe” (my old yet loved Gary Fisher HiFi Plus dual-suspension 29r mountain bike), and started on my 2+ hour road trip.  My destination was a county park in New York, southeast of Buffalo, where I would partake in a women’s only mountain bike clinic.


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