9 Feb 2019


Submitted by Damselfly

Although we have had a relatively mild winter in my neck of the woods, I am already thinking of spring. I am ready for steadily longer days and new growth on the trees.  This morning I sit near the window, seeing the birds picking at the suet hanging from a hook, a few snowflakes in the air, and the thermometer shows a crisp 12 degrees Fahrenheit.  I have been thinking about the circles in life.  Winter will turn to spring.  Spring will turn to summer.  I recognize that my life is full of circles.

Recently, I have been discussing goal setting with some of my friends.  That tends to happen during the start of a new year, or a new month, or even a new week.  It comes easily to me because I ponder my own goals.  I think about areas in my life I am striving to improve, such as my fitness or nutrition, or perhaps keeping up with friends on a regular basis.  I think about time management and how I can create spaces in the day or week for more photography, or fly tying, or writing.  I realize that I am often coming back to the same places in those thoughts.  Circles.

I ask myself, am I stuck? I don’t think so.  Life is about seasons changing.  I think it is only natural that we continue to have thoughts come to the forefront of our mind over and over again, especially if they are things that we feel are important or hold deep meaning, or perhaps it is a lesson we have yet to learn.  The circles in life give us new opportunities.

For me, the circles can feel like déjà vu moments.  It can be as simple as hearing from someone I thought had passed through my life and the relationship had come to a natural end.  Sometimes I meet someone new and come to feel an old familiarity as we talk. It can be a desire to rekindle the flame of an old hobby or activity, or a gentle nudge from my mind to revisit something as simple as sitting still.

I believe as long as we wake up in the morning, we are being given a new opportunity.  If we continue our journey in the circle in the same way, we will stay in the same patterns of behavior.  There is nothing wrong with that as long as the circle has served us well. I love that I have learned that I have the ability to grow my circles into new experiences, improved habits, and loving relationships.  

Life happens.  Seasons change.  Each day is an opportunity.  I have learned to sit still before I start the day and contemplate what it will bring, before the circle of that day starts.  Yes, I make lists.  Some items on the list are the same each and every day.  They serve as reminders of things that must get done and I feel good when I can check them off as an accomplishment.  Other items serve as a way to put to paper things I would like to revisit or new ventures in life.  Those items become a reminder that I am not done yet.  I am still evolving in my circles.

As I think about winter coming to a close and the start of spring, I am happy with the person I am. I recognize I have a capacity to grow, to love, to give, and to receive.  I am grateful for do-over opportunities where I can do better. Although there can be uncertainty, I know failure is not an end, but the start of another revolution of that circle. 

My challenge today is to take a moment to celebrate something done well.  It is not about how big or small.  It is not about what someone else has done.  It is about recognizing the opportunity.  It is about doing your circles your way.  I am grateful for you taking time to read this, as it puts in in one of my circles.  

Celebrate.  Be grateful.  Love.  Repeat.

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