Fit to Flab to Fabulous – Chapter 7
Submitted by DamselflyOver the past week I realized how many habits I have created in my world. I am a creature of habit. I like the routine. I am comforted by the ebb and flow of predictability.
Sadly, my habits have also reinforced poor choices regarding my life style.
The journey continues.
Over the past seven weeks, I have been focused on my habits. In order to change them, I have to give them conscious thought. It is a struggle… a battle of wills within myself.
I have had no problem with my habits regarding activity. Sure, there are those days I just want to do nothing. Fortunately, I embrace movement and get my training done. Yoga has helped me learn to breath better and pay more attention to how my body feels and adjusts when I sit, stand, and move. All of this is good, yet I continue to struggle with my eating habits.
Yes, I have continued to avoid junk food and I have done well with that. The longer I avoid it the less I want it. Using foods like nuts, apples, and carrots, I have found a way to satisfy my need for crunchy, sweet, and salty snacks. Despite learning to overcome my “need” for empty snack foods, I still struggle honing in on my hunger cues.
One of my habits was learning to eat every two to three hours. Why? Because somewhere along the way I read that doing so was healthy because it helped keep blood sugar levels at an even state, thus helping one lose weight. It sounded really good at the time, and it worked. I did not get hungry and felt more energy during the day.
It became a habit.
As I have moved into another decade of my life, I do not need to eat as much, nor as often. Despite my active lifestyle, my metabolism has slowed, and I do not require as much fuel to keep myself going. It is a normal part of the aging process. Eating something, even a small amount, every two to three hours is more than my body needs. That particular habit no longer serves me well.
My awareness leads me to question more of what I do on a routine basis regarding my nutrition. I ask myself… Do I have other habits that are no longer useful?
“Clean your plate.”
As a child the habit “clean your plate” was reinforced. It was, of course, an effort to assure I was getting enough food to grow up strong and healthy. It was fine when I was a child and someone else was making choices about my portions. What about now? If I chose healthy portions, cleaning my plate is a good thing. However, if I chose more than my body needs, I am only providing myself with excess that will be stored in my body… as fat.
I do not need that.
As I think about my habits I realize this is all part of the overall process. My habits are many and some are woven into others. By keeping my brain tuned in and thinking about what I eat, when I eat, HOW I eat (a career in nursing taught me how to eat quickly or go hungry), I can tweak my behavior and slowly replace old habits with new habits. I can eliminate the habits that are no longer serving me well.
I do need that.
As I write, I sometimes think I sound like a broken record. The same messages to myself over and over. Fortunately, with that repetition, some of it is sinking in and I am improving. Little by little I am learning more about the “me” of this decade. Little by little I am learning to take better care of “me”… nurture “me”… and support “me” in healthy ways.
I do need that.
I did not get where I was in seven weeks. This journey is a marathon… not a sprint. This is MY journey. This is at MY pace. As long as I am moving forward, I am doing the right things for me. If I find I am stuck, or slipping back, I will need to re-evaluate, assure I am being brutally honest with myself about my choices and my commitment, and get back on the path.
I am thankful I have you there as part of my social support network.
I picture you walking next to me, cheering from the sidelines, and when I need it, kicking my butt.
I do need that.
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