18 Jul 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

Today I feel like a slug.  No offense to slugs.  Nature created them to do a job and I am sure they do it well.

I am having one of those days.

I woke up well rested.  That is a win.  I had a great workout at the gym.  That too is a win.  I got home with intentions of conquering the world…at least my little corner of it.

Then slug-mode set in.

My brain is running in a slow gear.  I have the desire to getting things done, and find my mind is not engaging with the energy needed to stay tuned in to the task.  Everything is taking extra effort.  What is usually a dance through my task list is painstaking.  Slow. 

I am frustrated. 

Perhaps it is the weather.  We had some big storms here this morning.  The garden is happy and the grass has jumped.  Trimming and staking the tomato plants and mowing are added to the list.  Despite the need for water, rainy days seem to dampen my mood a bit.

Maybe it is the phase of the moon?

Whatever the reason, I am slug-slow today.

These are the days I have to remember to be kind to myself. 

It is easy for me to find self-fault, or be very critical of what I am NOT getting done, or not doing well.  I am always able to see the positive in the efforts of someone else, but not always so quick to see it in myself.  Given it is Monday and the start of a new week, I am making an effort to change that behavior in me.

I will look at my lists for all I have accomplished over the past few days, not what remains yet undone.  I will applaud my great training effort at the gym, and remind myself that I honored my commitment to improve my health.  I will stop and give thanks for my family and friends.  I am grateful to be happy and healthy.

Whatever the reason, I am forced to slow down today.  Perhaps there is something I am meant to see or hear that I might otherwise miss. 

Today I will slow down and be happy with me.

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