5 Jul 2017


Submitted by Damselfly

Today’s blog was written high above the clouds with no way to post from “up there”.  Now that my feet are back on the ground, I share my thoughts of the day:

At present it is 2:11 PM Mountain Standard Time.  I am sitting in a Boeing 737… window seat.  My point of view includes snow-capped mountains, blue skies, clouds, and a landscape dotted with lakes, roads, and communities.  It is a beautiful day.


To pass time on the flight, I was reading.  The book I was reading reminded me that it is important to create and recognize beauty in all we do.  Beauty is what brings us closer to the Divine.  It aligns us with the Universe.  Beauty is love.

This past weekend, I spent time with my oldest niece.  She is nine, almost ten, and growing up so fast.  We shopped for supplies to make “slime” (yeah, it is something), prepared food (not slime), and we talked.  We talked about people, music, animals, and places.  We went to a big picnic and I was able to sit back and watch her.  

She is a lovely girl and a kind spirit.  As much as she enjoyed playing on the trampoline and running with other kids her age, she stopped to play with younger children.  She slowed down to sit and talk to babies, and hand them toys, and smiled and laughed when they engaged with her.  She took time to talk to older people, politely answering questions.  She is beautiful inside and out. 


Hubby was kind enough to wake well before daylight to drive me to the airport.  He managed a cup of coffee before we hit the road.  We rode together talking about the weather, the road, gas prices, adventures we have had and want to have.  We did not turn on the radio for need of a distraction.  Our conversations are easy-flowing and respectful.  He is a loving man and supportive partner.  He supports my need to travel to places that nurture my spirit and help me maintain relationships with my favorite people.  I am so fortunate to be blessed with this man in my life.


I am healthy and happy and traveling across the continent. I am not letting negative “self” messages invade my brain and distract me from this glorious day.  It has taken me years to learn to love myself, and at times, old habits invade my subconscious and old messages play in my head.  Not today.  Today I see a strong, empowered woman who has been given so much!  I see a woman who is wise and giving.  I see a woman who carries a part of her deep inside still a child, looking at the world with wonder… a bit uncertain… but excited and smiling.

As the next few days unfold, there will be a reunion, and storytelling, and eyes taking in a part of the world I have not yet seen.  I am looking forward to reconnecting with my friend Rainbow and sharing her corner of the world for a few days.  I know as much as we will spend time catching up on the past, we will be building new memories and making plans for the future.  

In all things today, even on a crowded airplane, I feel overwhelming joy.  

In all things today I feel love.


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