20 Sep 2018


Submitted by Damselfly

Yes, I use Facebook. I know there are those that scoff at social media, and I too find that some use it for evil rather than good. However, I have found it to be a fantastic way to not only remain connected to friends and family around the world, but to connect quickly with new people, and expand my understanding of them.  With that, I am not a huge fan of “challenges” on Facebook.  Until now…

Last week, my brilliant cousin Leda (Yes, Leda, I called you “brilliant… and you know despite our ongoing sarcastic banter, I know it is true… after all, we ARE family), invited me to participate in a challenge I gladly accepted.  It went like this:

“Day 4 of 7… I happily accept the challenge from (insert name here) to post covers of 7 books I love -- no explanations or reviews, just the cover. Each time I post a cover, I will ask a friend to take up the challenge as well. Today I pass the challenge to Kimberly Boal.”

My first thought?  I like books! Trying to narrow a selection of books I love to just seven was the challenge.   My next thought was that this would be a fantastic way to get to know the people I love in a little different way.  Sure, I know my relatives because we are “related”.  I know my fly-fishing peeps and we share a tight bond in that world. But what do they read? How in the heck do I narrow my selection to only seven people??

I did my do diligence each of the seven days. I must say, most of the books I no longer had in my possession, but was able to find the image of a cover online in order to share.  I found myself struggling with making a selection of just one book.  

I love to read.  I have always loved to read.  I remember as a young girl Mum and Dad bought me books regularly.  I had the Laura Ingles Wilder “Little House on the Prairie” complete set, and read it from end to end. I loved “Nancy Drew Mysteries” .  I even loved comic books like “Archie” (oh yes, I am that old).  

When I was in junior high school, I would spend time at Granny Harris’ house in the summer.  When I did, I always wanted to stay in Uncle Bill’s room.  Why?  He had a GREAT book collection! It was there that I read Homer’s “Iliad” and “Odyssey”, and got my introduction to Kurt Vonnegut reading "Cat’s Cradle", just to name a few. Books were a wonderful way to pass the time and expand my world.

I still love to read, but sometimes find it hard to parcel out the time.  Life can get in the way.  My reading over the last few years has been focused more on research and learning, rather than the simple pleasure of a good story.  This month, my mind has been absorbing Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”. It is not necessarily a light read, but it is fasinating.  This challenge reminded me that it is important to make time just to read a good story now and again. 

I have started to build a new “I want to read that book” list.  I have also started to purchase some of those I want to read.  Thanks to recommendations by my family and friends, I am looking forward to reading “I Want My Hat Back” and “The Source”.  I am sure my list will continue to grow!

As I sit and type, I am reminded of the great institution we call a “library”.  I remember when I got my first library card, and felt I had truly arrived at a great stepping-stone in life!  And I did. I am expanding my world, thanks again to this challenge, and will be visiting my local library to show my support of this community treasure.

I am grateful to my seven people who have shared favorites from their lives over these past seven days.  I am also grateful to the people THEY shared with, and comments made.  We are all different, yet bonded by a love of the story. 

Pick up a book, my friends.  Hard cover or soft, electronic reader or audio…immerse yourself in a story.  Learn something new.  Read to a child.  Laugh! Write your own.

This is my challenge to you:  Start reading a book today. 

I am!


Ha ha, I am brilliant! Yes, the biggest problem was only choosing 7. There are so many good books out there. Love you. Keep reading and blogging.

I love you sweet woman!! God willing, my eyes will continue to read :-)

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