12 Jan 2018

Family Ties

Submitted by Damselfly

Yesterday I left the homestead well before daylight and drove to Mum’s.  My Uncle John, who is 84 years young, stayed the night before.  The three of us journeyed to the airport for a trip south.  This weekend, we are joining with family in the Deep South to celebrate the life of our dear Miss Willie!
Miss Willie was married to their brother, The Colonel.  Her birthday this year celebrates her 85th year of life.  Her children, my cousins, are throwing a birthday bash for her and that is why we are here.  

The day of travel was good. I am blessed to be in good company.  My Uncle John is an incredible gardener.  Not only did he learn from his father, my Papaw, but he researches the internet and discusses growing techniques with his Amish friends.  The greatest part is that he is willing to share his knowledge.  While sitting at airports, he shared his techniques for growing asparagus and peppers.  We talked about soil and fertilizer and sunlight, and I, of course, took notes!

It was evening when we arrived in Florida.  We got the rental car and got on the road.   Mum was my navigator.  Rather than rely on GPS, we did it “old school” with a map and driving directions.  Why?  Because we could.  Reliance on technology is fine when it works, but it is not always available.  We only took two wrong turns, but got ourselves righted quickly.  We arrived at our final destination, tired and happy.  

The house we are using for the weekend is perfect.  It is right next door to where family will be staying.  It is a short walk to the beach.  It is quiet and off the main road.  It is big enough that we all have our space.  It is small enough that when we are in the common space of the house, we are all together. 

This trip is about family.

Growing up, we did not have much money.  Despite that, we did take family road trips from time to time.  Mum and Dad would load my brother and me into the car and we would head south to visit Miss Willie, The Colonel, and their kids.  For as long as I can remember, they have maintained a vacation home on the Gulf of Mexico, in Florida.  I have always know the beach house as “The Cottage”.  When we would travel to visit them in Alabama, we would always make a trip to The Cottage and enjoy time on the white, sandy beaches of the Gulf.

Mum is and has always been close to her family.  She comes from nine kids, and all but one of those kids had kids.  I have well over twenty cousins on Mum’s side of the family.  Some are far and some are near.  Growing up, we ALL got to know each other given the commitment of our parents to connect whether it was for a holiday, or a vacation, or a wedding, or a funeral.  My cousins were my first friends.  I am so happy that many of my cousins remain my oldest and dearest friends.  Like Mum, I value my family ties.

This weekend, I am being given the opportunity to reunite with people I have known from childhood.  I remember being on the beach, my older cousins trying to catch crabs, to delight and scare the crap out of us.  I remember my cousin Mike taking us fishing with cane poles at a neighbor’s pond.  I remember fresh oysters and salty boiled peanuts,  which I would NOT eat as a child, but now, look forward to on every trip I have made here as an adult.  Most of all, I remember the laughter, and the great feelings of love and acceptance.  Family ties.

This trip is about family.  As this day progresses, more of my family will arrive.  We will eat and drink and laugh.  This trip, I will walk on the beach.   I will soak up the sunshine, even on chilly days. This trip I will pull closer family ties that have stretched out a bit too far with the passing years.   I will try to capture memories with my camera and my words.

I am so grateful for my family ties.  Let the weekend begin!


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