16 Jun 2017

Just Today

Submitted by Damselfly

When I was working my traditional job, I lamented that I did not always have time to do the things I wanted to do.  Work, and the commute to and from, consumed the weekdays.  Chores around the homestead, time with family, and an occasional outing took up the weekend.  In the last few years I worked there was never time for more than that. 

All the while I was pushing through my day to day, I would dream of the day I retired so I would finally have time to do all of the things I wanted to do.  Since I have retired, I am one of those people who can say I truly wonder how I had time to work!

I read something this week that struck me.  It was a quote by Buddha that said, “The trouble is, you think you have time.”  I am constantly brought back to the thought of time.  I find myself asking the same question over and over… Am I living my life with a purpose that makes best use of the time I am allotted here on this earth?

This past week I spent time working on the garden.  Yeah, I am late to that party, but better late than never!  Thanks to my artist/fly fishing/foodie friend in the Adirondacks, I am trying a different technique this year.  It is called “lasagna gardening”.  In reality, it is layered composting directly on the garden.  Why?  Not only is it intended to feed rather than deplete the soil; it also slows weed growth and eliminates the need for tilling.  Despite the time it is taking to get it started, my hope is that in the long run, it will take less time to maintain. 

This week also had time devoted to my beloved truck, Dixie.  Hubby and I have been working on the wooden bed.  He removed the boards.  We used an electric sander to remove all of the old varnish, which had been peeling away, exposing the oak boards to the weather.  Once free of finish, Hubby stained them to bring out the wood grain and weathered imperfections, and I have been treating them with Tung oil.  It is a labor-intensive process, but the results will be well worth it. (More on Dixie another time!)

I also took time to visit someone from my family I rarely see, and made a trip to Mum’s, where she was entertaining my nieces, nephew, and a surprise visit from my Aunt T, or “AT” as I like to call her.  It was good to connect with some of my people. 

I could easily fill the next two pages with lists of things I have done this week.  As the week comes to a close, there are still things I would like to do.  Some will get done, some will not.  Putting tasks aside to get the “people time” in was well worth setting my ever-growing list aside.  

You think you have time.

So many of us push ourselves to the limits of our time when we are working our traditional jobs.  Some are putting in long, crazy hours just to make ends meet.  I remember thinking to myself “When I retire, I will….”  I am retired.  I am following through on many of my “When I retire…” promises to myself.  I am traveling.  I am visiting people I have missed for many years.  I am learning new things.  I am volunteering my time and talents.  It seems, sometimes, that I will never have enough time!

The reality is, I only have today.

Hubby and I are planning a weekend trip.  Okay, I am planning it… he is “attending.”  I cannot help that I like to plan.  Those of you who know I can be a tiny bit controlling can stop chuckling now.  We wanted to go camping with some of my fishing buddies.  The forecast is calling for rain part of the time.  Rather than bag the trip (tent camping in the rain is not fun, for those of you never experiencing a river running under your tent) I called and booked a room at a small motel near the campground.  It is time to take the trip.  It is time to sit around a campfire (or in a motel room), and sip an adult beverage telling stories and laugh with good friends.

Yes, my head has been full of thoughts related to time.  I am filling much of it with reconnections with people I have missed, and in the process of my days, meeting new ones.  I am continuing to grow and explore with each day I am given.  I am giving back, grateful for having been given so very much.

As the sun is coming up and the day awakening, I am smiling.

I only have today.


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