24 Nov 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

I woke up this morning well before the sun came up. 

Although this is not a day I wanted to wake up at 4:00 AM, I woke up because Jaxon literally walked on me… his communication that he had to go outside. 

I turned on the floodlights to the back yard and realized it was a “raincoat” morning.  I slipped on my jacket, put on my boots, and clipped a leash to the collar of the patiently waiting Jaxon.

Jaxon does not like rain, so his path to the grass is one that keeps him near the house, under the edge of the roof where the fewest raindrops might land on him.  He does not spend much time outside, and heads as quickly as he can back to door.

I spend a few moments drying him off before unclipping his leash and he shoots back into the house.

I hung my jacket up to dry, replaced my boots with slippers, and headed back to bed.

I found a brindle dog curled up at my pillow, feigning sleep, thinking maybe he could stay there.

Why not?  It is Thanksgiving.

I nudged him to move him to the center of the bed to give me space.  This was difficult, as he seemed to be glued in place.  I finally managed to build enough room to slip back under the covers… and Jaxon curled up beside me.

I was awake for quite some time before I finally drifted back to sleep.  It gave me time to think.


Despite the waking in the wee hours and walking in the rain, I am thankful for my little dog.  Although he has the means to drive me absolutely bonkers, he is a source of companionship, joy, and unconditional love.

The cold rain this morning is not my favorite type of weather.  I recognize that many areas of the country have experienced drought that has devastating effects, including and impact on food production, which affects many people.  I have running water in abundance because of the rain, and I am thankful.

I am thankful for my home.  I am dry in the rain, and warm in the cold.  It is my haven.  It is the place where I feel rooted and safe.  I am thankful that Hubby is my partner in assuring we have a house we can call “home”.  We are a great team.

I am thankful for my family.  My family is an amazing, eclectic blend of people spread across the country.  Although we do not all see one another often, I am so grateful that I can say I KNOW my family.  My parents assured we went to gatherings.  They assured we visited away and hosted at home.

I am thankful for memories.  I remember being in the kitchen of a warm farmhouse in Cooperstown, Pennyslvania as a young girl, being handed a glass of milk and a slice of the best mincemeat pie ever made.  I remember my Granny’s house, full of people and laughter.  This time of year always reminds me of those places.  I am thankful that despite some very painful memories, I have so much joy in heart.

I am thankful for my friends, near and far.  My parents taught me that there are friends who are family, and I have many on that list!  I am thankful for the time spent with these amazing people at home and abroad, around campfires, in classrooms, on a stream, in the gym, and even in prison.

I am thankful for my Mum.  She is an amazing woman who taught me that I could be anything I wanted to be.  She never held me back.  She was always there for me in celebration and when I fell flat on my face.  She has laughed with me and cried with me.  She is one of the most generous people I know and I love her more with each passing year.

I am thankful for my Dad.  I know I challenged him as a strong-willed daughter, and I know he loved me anyway.  He taught me how to work hard and stand up for what I believe.  He taught me to have faith.  Even though he is no longer here, I continue to rely on his wisdom, and believe he still watches over me, providing protection and guidance.

I have been given so much, and appreciate all that I have.

Despite my age, I am still naïve.  I still believe there is good to be found.  I still have hope.  I am an eternal optimist.

Because I am THAT person, I must sometimes look very closely at the world around me for small details… small acts of kindness… small pieces of the world that rekindle my child-like wonder and make me smile.

I hope to never lose that.

I am grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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