30 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

This week, my lists are taking over.

I have so much I want to do, and seem to keep falling short.

Is there ever enough time in the day?

When I worked my “real” job, I had my workday, and an hour commute each way.   During a normal 5-day week, those 10 hours were dedicated to that task and the weekends busy with household chores and activities.  While working I managed to keep up the housework, shop for groceries, cook meals, have a garden, and enjoy my family.  I kept up with my training.  I learned new things and enjoyed my time outside. 

When I was gainfully employed, Hubby (before he was Hubby) also helped with the household responsibilities.  We shared the yard work and snow removal in the winter.  There were occasions when we shopped for groceries together.  Our boxer dog, Franco, was an older boy. He was a seasoned veteran of family life and did not require much training.  He was happy staying in the house or yard and kept close to “his people” without reminder or prompting.

Then I retired.

Finally, after all of those years, my time was MY time.  Given Hubby would still work, I committed to getting the “chores” done so he too had more time to do the things he enjoys.  I was getting back 10 hours a day so it would be easy… Right? 


There is so much I want to do… so many things I want to learn… and only so many hours in the day!  I have my part-time work at the gym, support a group of people with nutritional coaching and work on the sweet old truck.  I still have a garden, want to ride my bike, and exercise to stay fit.   I write daily.  I am slowly starting to dapple in beginner photography.  Fortunately, I am a master at packing.  I can get fishing gear, camping gear, and clothing for a week into a single rolling duffle.  Given my well-honed organizational skills I can pack a day to the brim.

Yet there are still things I want to do and I fall short of time.

My days are full. 

When I look at my “lists” I realize the days are full of so many “things”…. Things I never had time to do before.  New things.  Yes, there are still some of the old, routine things like housework and grocery shopping.  Necessary things.

There are things on the waiting list!

I am reminding myself today that I need to remember balance.

I can add new things to the list.  Perhaps some of them will be delayed a bit in order to maintain a healthy balance and not be overrun, or burn out.

Jaxon is a lovely, and VERY active 6-month old boxer pup.  He requires commitment for his training.  We want him to be a good family member and a dog people enjoy having near.  I have committed time for his training.  It will not always require the amount of time I am spending now. 

There will be time for something else!

I am going to review my lists today to be sure I am making time for the important “things’ on my list. 

My people.

Time is limited with family and friends, and it is precious.  We never know how much time we will get, so making time to be with them NOW is important.  My young nieces and nephew will only be children for a small window of time.  Making time for them now helps build a foundation I hope will carry many years into the future. 

Each year there are people in my world who leave… sometimes quickly.  Taking time for people now means no regrets when they are gone.

I will spend some of my time today working to create time.  I will review my priorities to assure I am getting to spend moments doing what is important to me.  I will give consideration to adding an item to the list only if there is something that can be removed. 

Is it a perfect plan?  No!  It does not need to be perfect.  There will always be those unknown “things” that come up and must be done.  Perhaps that day the housework can wait.

I will have time…and be with those I love. 

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