
Posts about training: how I stay fit, why I love to do it, and hoping to motivate others to find their fitness

20 Sep 2017


Submitted by Damselfly

Good morning!  I promise to report out on the trip to Colorado, but for now, I have a need to talk about learning to “go for it” in life.  This past weekend, I took part in the very first step in teaching classical Pilates with a company called Power Pilates.  Despite the name, this is not some over-the-top-go-as-hard-as-you can workout.  It IS as physically and mentally challenging as you make it.

13 Feb 2017

Do you ever feel stuck?  I do.  I think most of us feel that way from time to time.  I am a champion at devising methods to keep busy, often wondering if I have time to get it all done… yet I sometimes feel I am going nowhere.  Winter is infamous for that feeling in my history book.  The roots of negativity grow deep within me.  I cultivated them for many years.

6 Feb 2017

February can be a tough month in a cold, blustery part of the world.  The weather is all over the place, with plenty of extra exercise getting the snow moved out of the way.  Jaxon and I have both been grateful that the temperatures have not been bitter cold and we can get outside.  I am so glad that dog loves the snow!  There is good news… the days are getting longer, and soon spring will be knocking on the door. 

30 Jan 2017

It is a blustery winter’s morning here in my corner of the globe.  Daily blankets of snow have once again replaced our wet, muddy winter.  It creates extra exercise for me as I work to keep the driveway cleared.  I got my first workout in well before the sun came up…and some extra at daybreak getting the driveway cleared.

That feels so good. 

9 Jan 2017

It has been bitter cold the past couple of days in this corner of the globe.  I am feeling fortunate to have a warm home, plenty of food, and find beauty in snowfall. 

My life is good.

Despite feeling fortunate about my life, and embracing Danish hygge this winter, I find myself struggling a bit day-to-day.  January is a difficult month, despite the newness of the year. 


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