7 Dec 2016

Fit to Flab to Fabulous

Submitted by Damselfly

When I got home from my most excellent adventure this fall I was exhausted.  I took some time to reflect and recover.

At the end of that week, I made a realization:  I have gained weight. 

The end of summer picnics, weddings, and eating out a bit too often has all added up.  A little “cheat” here and a little “cheat” there have left a nice layer of fluff.  I have spent less time being active and my metabolism has paid the price.  My entire adult life I have fought a battle with the scale.  I have gotten wiser about it through the years, but it is still a struggle.  My eating can be emotional rather than a physical need, and that moves me to the edge of the cliff where it becomes unhealthy.

When I tried on my fall clothes, I found they were snugger than they were last year, and some of them I would be ashamed to wear.  I felt sluggish.  That made me sad.  I started eating more to compensate my feelings.

Sound familiar?

It helps to say things out loud.  It makes it real.  I talked to Hubby about it.  I talked to the owner of the gym where I work part-time.  He too said he was not happy with his current state of fitness and that his nutrition was being pushed aside by all of the other things in life that keep him busy:  fatherhood, business owner, life.

I decided to do something about it.

I decided to share my journey with you, and with the clients at the gym where I work part-time as a personal trainer.

I had Hubby take photos of me dressed in nothing but my underwear and a sports bra.  Go ahead… chuckle.  This was all business… a necessary evil to face the facts. Three photos:  One front, one back, and one from the side.  I have not had the courage to look at them, but they are there.

I also did my measurements. No snugging of the measuring tape.  Weight was the dreaded last measurement…yet another number to track progress.

Now what?

I am putting into practice what I preach.

When I made my revelation, I knew I needed to set a goal.  I did not set “lose weight” as my goal.  I have tried and failed with that before.  This time, I picked something I had absolute power to control.

Goal #1:  I will work out 5 times per week.  Period.

Three of those are my gym workouts, which gives me two other days on my own.  I can work out as hard or as easy as I want to.  Bottom line is that five out of seven days are going to get some type of activity.

I finished the end of my first two weeks.  I met my goal of working out five times per week!

Last week started week three.  I decided to set a second goal to add to my first:

Goal #2:  No junk food, with one “cheat meal” per week.

I am not limiting anything other than the elimination of crap from my daily eating.  I realize that snack foods are a “trigger food” for me, and when I start, I do not want to stop.  I can easily eat a bag of chips in a day.  When I eat them, I crave more. 

I finished last week again, meeting my goal.  Actually, I met BOTH goals!  Although the goals I have set are simple, it is NOT easy.  I am having cravings.  When I find myself wanting a snack I reach for some almonds or carrots and a big glass of water.   I am sticking to my five-day workout goal, which helps.  I do not want to sabotage my good workouts with bad food.

That is what it looks like. 

I have elected to track my progress on a monthly calendar, making an entry each day as to whether or not I met my goal.  The calendar is simple, and a visual reminder.

Anyone wanting to change has to pick a goal…YOUR goal.  YOUR issues are not MY issues.  There is no magic in this.  It is a matter of figuring out what you are willing to do to take one step at a time.

From time to time I will be sharing my progress with you.  Social sharing is a great form of accountability.  There is no hiding from this.

Sure, I could wait until the New Year and make a resolution.  Why wait?  I want to look and feel as good as I can right now.  Besides, I will not be where I want to be in those few weeks before January 1.

I WILL have logged in a great start and can roll this right into the start of 2017 with great momentum towards a more fabulous me!

If you want to join me in your own way, please do!

Get your measurements done.  Take the photos.  Pick something you can do to be a healthier you for two weeks… and then go from there!

Let me know if I can support YOU.

Life is short… live it being the best you can be!


I sooooo appreciate this! I too fluctuate on the scale and get frustrated with myself as I know what I should be doing and slide away from good habits. Accountability is key so we can keep an eye on each other and check in with our progress. I might even do Beast on the Bay in Erie in September--10 mile obstacle course. Would you?

I completely understand the frustrations!! But I firmly believe that as a team, anything is possible. YES we can keep an eye on each other! Beast on the Bay? Hmmm... I did it a couple of years ago... running is not my strong suit.. Running on sand, even worse...LOL! Maybe we can find a middle road?!? :-) HUGS Jenn!

i too relate and do more emotional eating than i like to admit. a few years ago, i joined an online group called spark people and lost 30lbs by tracking calories and increasing exercise. they taught me the same principle that you are saying, set one small attainable goal at a time. i have since then regained 5-10 lbs. and been maintaining there. i love my workouts at Studio 531, but i am still eating more food than i need due to emotional eating. i like your ideas and will be pondeing some new goals in this. thank you for sharing.

Thank you for sharing your story Cheryl!! You have been so strong in your commitment to the gym and your fitness! So happy to hear you are motivated to make yet another adjustment towards a healthier you!! Let me know if I can help! :-)

I need support! 3 years ago I was 30 lbs lighter, not sure what happen! You have inspired me to get fit again and to stay that way! Thank u!

LIFE happens Mary! We get caught up in everything around us and push our own needs aside... Sadly, our healthy self takes a back seat to all of that. You KNOW where you want to be... it is time to get there! :-) You can use Facebook, Messenger, or the email link in the "about" me page of the website if you want to share more of your story & see if I can be of more support to you!

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