23 Nov 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Submitted by Damselfly

I was a bit disgusted last night as I watched commercials flashing during the evening news.  Businesses were bragging about their doors being open on Thanksgiving Day, which to me meant that workers would not have an opportunity to be with family or friends, and people would be out shopping rather than taking time to stop and savor the day. Ah well… freedom.

I love holidays.  I love almost all holidays (except New Year’s Eve, but I am getting better about that as time goes on).  As I think about that, I am a fortunate person in that the holidays for me have always been a time of love and celebration.

I grew up in a wonderful home with loving parents.  We would spend time with my dad’s family, which was small and intimate, and then drive a few short miles to my mom’s family where we would join with my aunts, uncles, and cousins for more food, more fun, and always laughter.  It was organized chaos! We had too much to eat.  We had so much for which we were thankful. 

Not everyone has such memories.  Not everyone was raised in a loving family.  Not everyone is living in a place of freedom and choice.  For some, holidays are time stamps of horrible events, or a day that reminds them of tremendous loss and heartache.

I have not lived a life of excess, but I have lived a life of plenty.  I have always had enough to eat and a home.  I have benefited from education and loved my professional life.  I have always been surrounded by people who love me, even when I felt alone.  I am thankful that I have lived…truly LIVED.  I am thankful for all I am and the woman I have the potential to be.

While I am thankful for all of these things, I remember there are those who battle loneliness.  To those people I will be kind and patient.  I remember there are those who do not have enough, and I will give to them.  I remember there are those who are persecuted just for being who they are, and I will be a role model of kindness and acceptance.

I will not take for granted all that I have.  I am grateful to each one of you who have taken the time to read this.  You are somehow part of the fabric of who I am.

Thank you!



Have a happy thanksgiving, Dear !
Enjoy the day and the time with your family... its precious !

Happy Thanksgiving Stephen!! You are sooo right!!

I hope u had a wonderful Thanksgiving + ate...a lot! Elastic waistbands are what is needed for a few days!!

Ha! Thanks Jen!! LOL! Agreed!

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