14 Dec 2016

Fit to Flab to Fabulous - Chapter 2

Submitted by Damselfly

It is a glorious winter day in Pennsylvania.  The sun has been shining since early morning and it is brilliant on the fresh snow.  I do enjoy this type of winter.  I am a happy woman.  It has been a week since “going public” with my work on healthier habits and I am working my program. 

It has been an interesting experiment and I continue to learn about myself.

Overall, I consider myself a healthy person.  I exercise regularly and eat right most of the time.  Given that general statement, I figured I should not have to struggle with my weight.

Sounds logical, right?


I kept repeating that over and over.  “I am a healthy person”.

I would say it when I reached for potato chips to eat.  I would say it knowing I was at the gym three days, and would use it talk myself out of going for a bike ride or a walk in the woods.  I would say it as I ate more of a restaurant entrée than my body needed.  I would say it as I sipped my second or third adult beverage.

I said it even though my clothes kept getting a bit snugger. 

I kept saying it, and found other clothes to wear… although my selection was growing smaller.


I am not 20 anymore… or 30… or 40.  The habits I developed at those ages no longer serve me well, even if they were healthy.  My healthy habits toolbox needed some new tools.

I committed to being public with my goals and progress.   It is hard, but it is necessary.  Weight Watchers is a successful program, in part, because of the social support.  Telling someone else what we are doing forces us out of the closet, so to speak.  It is much more difficult to “cheat” when someone else is watching!

Goal #1:  I will work out 5 times per week.

I have continued my three gym workouts.  I have been riding my bike on the trainer, given the snowy weather, at least one day.  My other day has been a variety of things… time on the treadmill, a snowshoe walk in the woods, or shoveling snow!  Despite some sore muscles and a nagging elbow tendonitis, I am feeling good.  I realize my body at this age requires more time spent recovering (I can use that for a goal moving forward).

I continue to meet this goal.

Goal #2:  No junk food, with one “cheat meal” per week.

As I said last week, I am not limiting anything other than the elimination of crap from my daily eating.

I am happy to report that I have met this goal for two weeks and am feeling better physically and mentally.  I have fewer cravings.  I baked a pile of Christmas cookies and did not sample the cookie dough.  I did savor one cookie… I waited until I was finished with the process.  I sat down and ate that cookie enjoying every bite!  The waiting made it even better!  There will be more cookie eating at Christmas time… but it will be done mindfully.

Given my success over the past four weeks with the first two goals, I added one for this week: 

Goal #3:  Check my hunger status before and after eating. 

I am a person who has used eating as an emotional comfort.  I can eat when I am not hungry.  Eating that way has caused me to ignore my natural hunger cues.  I am spending this week getting back in touch with that.  I am using a tool from my Precision Nutrition coaching program to help me.  I will not use the tool every day forever, but for now, it helps to have something concrete for reference.

“Wow Kim, that is so much work… is it worth it?”

I can answer with an overwhelming “YES”. 

I already feel better.  I have more energy and am less sluggish throughout the day.   I am enjoying my food again.  I am feeling full after I eat and do not wander the kitchen looking for something else to eat.  I am not noticing a difference in my clothes… yet. 

This weekend I will complete a two-week check of my weight and measurements.  After that, I will re-evaluate my goals and take it from there.

I have had great support and comments from friends and family.   Thank you!  The support fuels me to keep going.

Yes, this is a simple process.  No gimmicks or magic pills.  However it is not easy.  I do not care if you are struggling to lose 10 pounds, 30 pounds, or 100 pounds.  It is not easy. 

I am committed to it and I can do it.

Let me know if I can support YOU as you have supported me. 


well, I appreciate the progress that you have made. and your continuing journey.
I began this journey by tuning into the emotions that i am feeling that i eat through. In my first week, i identified 6-8 feelings that i was eating. My second week, I began to chart my emotions on a calendar and note if I ate through them or not. I have gained some really good insights into myself in this. As you indicated, I can eat when I am not hungry and thereby not tune into my natural hunger cues. I need to continue to strive for hunger and healthy eating vs. emotional eating. I am interested in your Precision Nutrition coaching program tool that helps you. or any other tools to stop emotional eating. Thanks for sharing. Journey on ;)

Cheryl, I am so impressed with your willingness to look into yourself and figure out the fabric that is YOU :-) I will send you some information I have you may find useful! :-) Thank you for reading and for your comments!

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