29 Mar 2020


Submitted by Damselfly


It has been months since I have taken the time to empty my thoughts to a page.  Life has taken some interesting turns this year and it is only March.  I have transitioned my time to only working one job, which has allowed me to work on reshuffling my day and working on a schedule that creates more opportunities for self-care and growth.  On the tail of that positive shift, our world is rocked by a global assault that has forced everyone to stop and take notice. 


Pandemic.  The word evokes so many emotions.  Movies have been made about such things for “entertainment” value, as many of us could not fathom that something like this could happen.  Not today.  And certainly not MY home.


These are events that shape us.  I find myself thinking “What can I do?”  Sound advice from wise advisors say:


Stay home.

Wash your hands.

That instruction seems really simple, doesn’t it?  In all honesty, it is easy for me to stay home, but I respect that it is not so for everyone.  Many go out in the world each day to avoid sitting still.  For those with busy jobs, eight hours flies by when you have your task at hand.  When someone is comforted by routine shopping trips, going to a gym for exercise and socialization, going out to eat, or simply getting together with friends and family, what happens when that stops?


The good news is in most cases, we have choices.  I have found my mantra each day is “I can”.  Instead of focusing on what I cannot do, or where I cannot go, I spend time listing the things I CAN do each day.  Oh, how I love a good list!  This morning, I sat sipping my morning coffee thinking:


I CAN meditate… check.

I CAN go for a walk or some other activity…check.

I CAN bake bread…check.

I CAN read a book.

I CAN catch up with some of my friends.

I CAN take some photos.

I CAN take clothes to the mission drop off.

I CAN practice taking photos.

I CAN tie flies.

I CAN write a much-overdue blog…working on it!


And my list goes on and on.  I am choosing to take the “PANdemic” and create a “CANdemic”.  You CAN too.


Stopping to take a look at what I can do changes feelings of helplessness to a feeling of empowerment. Creating a list and checking it off is satisfying and for me, creates a feeling of accomplishment.  Those are the feelings that help me move through each day in this tumultuous world and remind me that each day is to be embraced.


I CAN breathe… check.

I CAN smile… check.


(Note: the photo is representative of another "I CAN"... and is part of the "Montana" series... stay tuned for Part 2!)


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