22 Feb 2018


Submitted by Damselfly

Every morning I wake up early.  It is usually well before sunrise, especially this time of year.  I take Jaxon out, drink a big glass of water, and think about how wonderful my first cup of coffee is going to taste.  I sit down with my coffee, and open my “gratitude journal”.  Today, the quote written at the top of the page read:

“Happiness is a how; not a what.  A talent, not an object.”  Herman Hesse

After I read it, I jotted down “I am grateful for my Dad”.  I am grateful, despite the fact that he is not on earth today celebrating his birthday.  He would have been 76 today.  Then I wrote, “I am grateful for waking up happy.”

I realize this morning that the quote in my journal rings loud and clear.  I have honed the skill of being happy.   I practice it every day, even when doubt creeps in.  I am grateful that my parents helped me develop that skill at a very young age.

I once worked with a person who spewed negativity.  No matter what, this person could find the darkness in ANY situation.  If you said “What a beautiful sunny day!” the response would be “Yeah, but it is going to rain tomorrow”.  If you said “Hey! We are all getting raises!”  the response would be “Yeah, but they are going to take more out in taxes.”

“Yeah, but…”

Sure…there are things that happen in this world that just plain suck.  I do not need to spell the words for you.  Some of you reading are living it.  I get it.  Despite the “suck” moments, I have made a choice to be happy.  Rather than dwell on missing Dad today, I choose to dwell on remembering how grateful I am to have had such an amazing man take part in raising me.  I remember how he made me laugh.  I remember the grace and dignity he displayed while smiling through his time of illness.

I have not always been happy.  I have lived with depression, which I fondly refer to as “The Pit”.  I spent time in there.  It was not a happy time.  I could SEE happiness, but I could not reach it.  It took courage, and more than one attempt, but I made a choice, and got help.  I worked my way out The Pit with a Guide.  I am grateful for that as well.

I learned on my journey out of The Pit that I had to practice happiness.  I had to reframe my way of looking at things AND talking about things.  I had to work hard to remove any “Yeah, but…” from my daily thoughts.  I could not change what might be happening around me but I could choose how I would react to it.  I could practice that over and over again.

I sought out and surrounded myself with happy people.  Why? Happiness is contagious.   Being with happy people helped me hone my skills.  Besides, it is so much more fun to laugh than to cry.  I especially love the people that can help turn tears to laughter, or a sense of fear into excitement.  That is magical!

Today I remember my Dad.  I am grateful for the time I had with him.  I am grateful for learning an appreciation of good food, good whiskey, and good friends. 

I am grateful for waking up happy.

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