7 Sep 2021

Leveling Up

Submitted by Damselfly

I have not shared my thoughts “on paper” in a very long time.  Why?  I am not sure there is a solid “why”, other than way too many things eating up my brain space and energy.  I am sure I am not alone in how I feel.  The world’s media market (social media, news media, name your media) has done a stellar job at keeping our thoughts whirling and with that, uncertainty has become a standard.  I have allowed those thoughts to weigh heavily with me, and the uncertainty pecked away at my otherwise solid and positive foundation.

This weekend, I moved up a level.  I achieved Level 56!

Instead of allowing media to fill my head with its usual negative, divisive rhetoric, I spent my time pouring over thoughts of what it meant to achieve this new level, and all I had survived to get here.  Many are not so lucky.  

As I sifted through my thoughts, I kept coming to one common theme.  Gratitude.  The more I counted off the things in my life for which I am grateful, the more joy and happiness filled in the space.  

Over the past few weeks, I have spent time with some of my favorite humans.  We talked.  We laughed.  We shared stories.  We recounted things that bring us great joy.  When we discussed troubling times or sorrows, each one of us could find something about that event that helped us grow.  In that growth, we found gratitude. In the gratitude, joy.

In being with my people, I was reminded of what is important in life.  I was reminded that isolation can create dark spaces where I can be swayed into negative thinking.  When I am in those dark spaces, I can become prey to those who wish to beat down, divide, and create a crevice to pour in their negativity.  That negativity feeds on itself… and in that space, nothing good can grow.

Thankfully, my people help shine the light into all the dark spaces!

Merriam-Webster defines “leveling up” as “referring to advancing from one level of skill or power to another”.  I feel that right now!  

Moving to Level 56 has indeed been empowering and created a sense of advancement.  I am grateful for all the battles I have had to endure to get here, and the demons I have slain along the way.  I wear my scars of battle proudly, as they have become part of my character.  I am grateful for all the people who have been with me… those here and those who have moved on.  

If you are reading this, you have been a part of my story.  I am grateful for YOU and the joy you have brought into my life.  

Here’s to Level 56!  


With each level the view gets even more amazing. Level 61 is awesome. Each level is a privledge that some never got to conquer. Keep smiling my friend and enjoy the climb!!!

Jeff Hoovler this is SOOOOO true! Thanks for sharing this, and your love of good spirits ;-) xoxoxo

Good point and thanks for sharing..as always..


So happy it resonated with you Fish! Sending a hug to Slovenia! xoxoxo

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