15 Nov 2016

The Path

Submitted by Damselfly

Since coming home from my excellent adventure, I have been struggling. 

When I arrived home last week, I was extremely happy to be back at the homestead.  I love to travel and experience new things… but home is where my heart is.

Once home, I hit a wall.

I was physically and mentally exhausted.  The time change was not helpful.

I spent the first few days just getting back into some sort of routine.  I struggled with even the simplest of tasks.  I felt disorganized.  Everything I did took effort. 

I was so tired. 

I realized that on my trip, I did not get the routine exercise to which my body was accustomed.  I ate healthy foods for the most part.  I did not overeat.  However I did not move my body for those two weeks the way I usually do.  Sure, we got in some great hiking and that got my heart pumping… especially when it was at greater altitudes. 

It was not the same.

I realized my metabolism was affected by the two weeks I had been away from my usual workouts, and the days were continuing to click by.  I do not quite "bounce back" as quickly as I did when I was younger.

I needed to get my body moving again.

It was later in the week that I made this epiphany about myself.  I tried to talk myself into waiting until Monday and starting the week fresh in the gym. 

A little voice in my head said “No… you need to start now.”

I tried to talk to the voice… reason with it… argue with it.  I really did not want to move.  I wanted to curl up on the couch with Jaxon and eat salty snacks.  Besides, he missed me and he really wanted me to sit with him.

Nice try.

The “healthy” voice won over the “sit on the couch and snack” voice.

On Saturday, I decided I would get back on the bike trainer.  It had been some time since I had pedaled seriously, and I was missing the bike. 

I tried to talk myself out of it the entire time I got ready.  I tried to talk myself out of it as I walked to the workout room.  Despite the desire to go back to the house, I made it to the trainer.

I needed to start giving myself some goals to accomplish.  Things that were reasonable, and would make me feel better inside and out.

I had to define “reasonable”.

Those of you who know me well may know I am hard on myself.  Some of you who know me VERY well are smiling now.

I can tell someone else how to set a reasonable goal.  I tend to be a bit harder on myself in that category.

I decided to treat “me” like I would treat someone else who asked me for fitness advice.

Given I have not been on the bike for a while, I decided on 20 minutes.  That would be enough to get my heart rate up, and not enough to make my butt sore from sitting on the seat.  Lack of soreness would allow me another “bike day” in the near future.

I figured if I could do 20 minutes on the bike, I could then do a five-minute jog on the treadmill.

That all sounded reasonable and something I could complete.  I was also giving myself five minutes to stretch.

On the road trip, I relearned the benefits of yoga.  Katie Q reminded me that yoga was not always about seemingly impossible poses and headstands.  Yoga is also about relaxing and using some of the postures to regain movement and flexibility.  It came in handy after long days on the road or the trails. 

How did all of that work?

I completed my 20 minutes on the bike.  Check.

I completed my five-minute treadmill run (jog).  Check.

I completed five minutes of stretching with sun salutations.  Check.

I felt accomplished! 

I noticed during the day I felt better.  I had more energy.  I slept better that night.

I also felt motivated to keep moving.  Sunday, I took Jaxon for a good long walk.  Nothing too crazy… just moving forward.

This week I am back at the gym. The workouts are hard for me.  They challenge me.

I challenge me.

I am back on the path.

The path is uphill.

The path is full of rocks and roots.

Sometimes I have to stop and take a break.

Sometimes I fall down.

Still, I get up and keep moving.  Every step of the path makes me better.   For the steps where I stumble I learn something about me.

My body needs movement.  Sure, there are still days I will let the “couch” voice win and I sit on the couch with snacks. 

For now, I am working my way up the path.  I have asked a friend to help me stay accountable and I will let her know how I am eating and how my workouts are going.  Having that person helps me keep it real.  Knowing I am reporting to someone helps me make better choices so I can report positive progress on the path.

There is a saying I use when I am training at the gym and someone is struggling with something.  I am reminding myself of that saying today:

“If it was easy, everyone would do it”.

 I am not everyone. 

I am “me”. 

I am committed to being the best “me” I can be.

I am home.

I am back at the gym. 

I am back on the bike.

I am back to making at least 80% of my nutritional choices healthy. 

I am back on the path. 


Having a touchstone person to keep you accountable? What a novel idea !

ha ha... I can attest to the value of that, dear. Thank you.

Ha!!! I hear you loud and clear!! :-)

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