16 Sep 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

This week a friend of a friend passed away quite suddenly.  I feel such a mixture of emotions when an event like this passes on to me.  When I was communicating with another friend about it, the topic of mortality came up.  We pondered how this loss affected us in how we see ourselves living our lives.


I started trying to recall how old I was when I realized I would eventually die.  It seems a morbid thought, but I think it is more practical than morbid.

No, I am not seeking the end of my days with any urgency.  I am, however, aware that my days WILL end. 

Will I be ready?

What does “ready” mean?

I live a pretty healthy life in the big scheme of things.  I am diligent about my medical health and see my physician annually, problems or no problems.  I had the sheer delight of undergoing an “invasive” medical test this week.  Thank you to the medical standard issued to all of us having turned age 50.  No further explanation will be necessary to those of you smiling at this point.  You know what I mean.

For those of you reading living in the United States not yet 50, your time will come!

The point is that there are hoops I jump through as a health-conscious person that help with early detection of disease.  I eat right most of the time.  I exercise regularly.

More importantly, I laugh.

Sometimes I laugh when it is not entirely appropriate.  It is a family trait.  I thank my father for that sometimes inappropriate "gift"!

None the less, I laugh.  

Laughter is amazing medicine.  It can prevent grave injury to others if we can find a way to laugh when we are most frustrated.  Laughter is versatile that way!

Despite all of my efforts, it does not change the fact that I am mortal and that anything can happen.


Most of the time, it just plain sucks to lose someone close to us.  It does not matter how much time we have.  We are never truly prepared for that reality. 

I ask myself this week, as cold or brutal, as it may seem… Am I ready?

Easy answer… Nope.

More accurate answer… Yes. 

My heart and soul are ready at any time.  I have lived my life well and do not ponder on things I cannot change.  I have very few regrets, and having learned from those, working not to repeat that history.  I have a strong spiritual foundation that leaves me feeling good about my life here and what may happen to me when life as I am living it is over.

For now, I have life to live.

I have too often felt the heart-wrenching pain when grieving the loss of my friends and family.  I am still here to live. 

Those closest to me who are gone would want me to live.  To live life fully and live it well.  I know this, and that fills me with a sense of overwhelming joy.

I want to honor those I have loved that are gone by living my life embracing that sense of joy.

By living well I also honor those I love who are here to live life with me…near and far.  I look forward to our opportunities to celebrate life together.

I will work each day to find a way to pass that joy on to someone else.

I will continue to live life as the gift that it is, each and every day.

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