Healthy Living

2 Jul 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

I am a creature of habit.  I like my routines.  They give me a sense of security.  Like anyone, I like variety as well.  Stir it up a bit.  However, returning to my routines gives me a sense of comfort… like being home.

I find myself getting into a routine with food.

I have the same breakfast and lunch nearly every day. 

21 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

Lists surround me.

I have a list on my calendar of what I intend to do today, and another with a plan for the week.  I have a list of things to do at the gym.  I have a grocery list.  I have a list of projects that need attention.  I have lists for Dixie that include work to be done, parts that need explored, and parts to be ordered.  I have a list of projects for other people.   To complicate matters, I have lists running through my head that have not yet made it to paper.

18 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

I am a nurse.  I am proud to be a nurse.  I have been a nurse for 29 years.  For those who may not know, as a nurse, even when you are no longer working a “real job”, you are still a nurse.  My career was a remarkable journey and I am grateful for every job I had along the way.

16 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

Yesterday was not a “gym day”, but that does not mean I took a day off from training.  Given the weather was a bit unpredictable, I decided against a riding my bike as I did not feel like getting caught in the rain far from home.  I settled for a “run around the block”.  As we live in the country, my run around the block is a dirt road loop of just over three miles.  I jogged the first mile without a break, did the second mile with two “walk breaks”, and the third was a series of intervals of 30 seconds run, 30 seconds walk.  It was a not a great run, but it served to provide an adequate cardio workout for the day.

9 Jun 2016

Easy versus Simple

Submitted by Damselfly

I went to the gym this morning, as per my usual routine on Thursday.  I arrived about 7:45 AM, turned on the lights, started the music playing, and started my warm up.  As always, the start of my workout is a way to get my muscles warmed up and settle the spinning of my thoughts.  Time to focus on the workout.

5 Jun 2016

Just Keep Moving

Submitted by Damselfly

Yesterday was a remarkable day!  It started early and ended too late for me to write!  I was up before dawn, packed the Subaru, loaded “Jefe” (my old yet loved Gary Fisher HiFi Plus dual-suspension 29r mountain bike), and started on my 2+ hour road trip.  My destination was a county park in New York, southeast of Buffalo, where I would partake in a women’s only mountain bike clinic.

3 Jun 2016

The List

Submitted by Damselfly

Today my brain is spinning.  I’m walking through the house performing my usual routine.  I’m awake before 6:00 AM, big glass of water, make smoothies for Hubby and me while listening to my morning meditation, and look at “the list” for the day. 


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