Healthy Living

10 Dec 2017

The 5-Second Rule

Submitted by Damselfly

I love to learn.  I am always feeding my head full of information.  I read books and blogs and articles.  I watch videos.  I take courses.  I ask questions of people whom I consider experts.  I consider my curiosity and quest for knowledge positive traits.  I enjoy the company of others who love to delve into deep thought.

5 Dec 2017

Eat the Cupcake

Submitted by Damselfly

I have always loved to learn. I take a part of each day to learn something new, or practice something already in process.  Some days I struggle with how to find enough time to do all I want to do.   Yesterday I took my camera for a three-mile walk along the beach to see the snowy owls that were nearby.  It was worth the walk.  I met new people.  I learned more about my camera.  It was a great day and I smiled the entire 3-mile walk back to my car.

12 Oct 2017

Strongest You - Chapter 1

Submitted by Damselfly

My sweet Boxer dog Jaxon had me awake an hour before the alarm this morning.  I guess 4:30 AM is not early enough for him.  I did try going back to bed to relish in that last hour of comfort in my cocoon.  My brain was not going to have it.  Last night, I got my acceptance email into Strongest You Coaching from my coach with a list of expectations for both of us, and my list of next steps!

20 Sep 2017


Submitted by Damselfly

Good morning!  I promise to report out on the trip to Colorado, but for now, I have a need to talk about learning to “go for it” in life.  This past weekend, I took part in the very first step in teaching classical Pilates with a company called Power Pilates.  Despite the name, this is not some over-the-top-go-as-hard-as-you can workout.  It IS as physically and mentally challenging as you make it.

21 Jun 2017


Submitted by Damselfly

Happy Summer Solstice! 

This is can be a bittersweet day in the year.  The first day of summer, which means the countdown is ON.  This marks the longest day in the year, which means little by little, the day start getting shorter.  Although solstice has pagan origins related to fertility and harvest, it is a reminder to me that it is a day of light.

1 May 2017


Submitted by Damselfly

I missed writing last week.  My head has been a sea of thoughts…flashcards… moving from one thing to the other at the speed of light.  Over the past few weeks, I have had trouble focusing on any one particular thing.  I have not been sleeping well at night.  I realized this weekend I have been struggling with the question:

What is my purpose?


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