10 Aug 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

It was another busy chore weekend on the homestead.  While Hubby took on the final touches on Dixie, I took on the job of adding a new coat of weatherproofing on “the trout”.

A few years back, it was decided a large maple tree was growing too close to the front of the house.  I could stand on the front porch and literally reach out and touch it.  It stood well beyond the top of the house, and I could not wrap my arms around the trunk.  I did not want to lose the tree, but understand it could damage the house. 

Through my carpool, I learned of a local chainsaw artist.  I made contact, we discussed the project, and he agreed to do the work.  Over the course of two days, and the use of five different chainsaws, he turned the tree into a leaping trout.  Every couple of years, the trout needs love with some weatherproofing.  This was the year.

I enjoy repurposing.  It gives me great joy to find use for something rather than discard it.  The tree could have been cut down and hauled away.  Instead, it became firewood for back yard enjoyment, and a lasting statue to decorate the front entrance of the homestead.

Dixie might have been cast into a scrap heap years ago because she was no longer new and exciting.   Thankfully, someone decided she still had use.  Each owner has taken care to work on parts of the restoration process.  Although she may not be used daily as was intended in 1959, she has a purpose in providing minimal transportation and great entertainment in classic style.

So much of our society today is of the “throw away” mentality.  It can be difficult to find quality products that will remain useful for many years.  I am a curious person by nature, and enjoy spending time trying to make something myself, or find a second (or third) purpose for something that seems to no longer have use.  Fortunately, there are people who share my passion for asking the questions:

What can I do with that or how can I make it?

Pinterest is one of my favorite websites for ideas.  What fun to go to one website and search thousands of ideas using a few simple key words!  I am glad that people are willing to share their knowledge and discoveries, complete with photos and step-by-step instructions.

In my experience, not every Pinterest adventure has a happy ending.  Try as I may, some projects have NOT turned out looking like the Pinterest photo.  Despite the failures, I have had enough successes to keep me going back!

The trout is preserved for another year.  Dixie is back on the road.

Now…what can I make today?


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