22 Jul 2016

Little Things

Submitted by Damselfly

Today started with a bang.  Literally! 


I am thrilled it rained today!  We got a good, long, soaking rain.  It has been hot and humid the past few days.  It was wonderful to hear the rain on the roof and listen to the low rumble of the thunder.  I love the rain.  The garden and lawn also love the rain.  Jaxon does not love the rain.  He dutifully goes outside as necessary, but with ears back and head down. 

Poor Jaxon.

I spent the early morning working around the house on nothing very exciting.  I ran out of my “granola”, so I whipped up a batch.  I use “granola” in quotation marks, as it has no grain.  It is a mixture of nuts and seeds, with a few raisins, honey, and coconut oil.  There is a splash of vanilla and almond extract included for added flavor.  It takes a bit of time to make, but it lasts for a few weeks.  I enjoy it daily as part of my breakfast.

As I was working on the granola, I thought about little things. 

I thought about my drive home from the gym last evening.  I stopped along the roadside to take photos of some wild flowers.  Little things. I pass by the same flowers every day and rarely stop to admire them.  Yet they are there, brightening my drive.  I realized that as they bloom and fade I note the change in the season. 

Little things.

After the granola, I had hoped to get in an early morning bike ride, well before the temperatures climbed.  Given the wet start to the day it was not to be.   I still wanted to get time on the bike, so I walked out to the “Body Shop” (our home gym) to ride my bike on the trainer.  I walked past the bramble growing along the side of the barn and saw the blackberries are starting to ripen.  There are just a few berries here and there.  I made a mental note and will gather them today to freeze for future use. 

Little things.

While I was pedaling on the bike, my cell phone chimed.  It was a text message from a friend in “Low Places” who is on a road trip with his family.  He took a picture of the Louvre and sent it with a greeting.  Better than a post card!

Little things.

This afternoon I have a date with Mum and my two nieces.  We are going to see a movie.  It will be a fun afternoon for all us.  My nieces and nephew are three of my most precious little things.  They will not be little for long.

I am grateful for the little things.  I am grateful that I can recognize them, take time for them, and let them fill corners of my life with joy. 

I hope you can find little things to give you joy today!

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