1 Sep 2016

Too Old?

Submitted by Damselfly

I am elated that Jaxon is getting better.  He is even more his usual self, wandering in the yard when he is out, lounging on furniture when he is in.  My heart is resting easier.

The postal delivery yesterday contained a surprise.  I love surprises!  There was a box wrapped in brown paper, well taped, with the address written in handwriting I recognized.  It was a parcel from Grandma Margaret!

Grandma Margaret is not a blood relative.  She is, however, family.  She is an adopted oldster.  Her son has been one of my best friends for years, and our families have become intertwined.  The nieces and nephew refer to him as “Uncle Ron” and she is forever “Grandma Margaret”.  How precious when we are given gifts like these people in our world.  My grandparents have been gone for so many years and I miss them.  Adopted oldsters are special!

She and I have been pen pals over the years.  We write one another about once a month, keeping each other abreast of what is happening in our corners of the world.  I delight when I get her letter as she writes as if we are sitting together chatting away the time.

Last week, I made a surprise visit to see Grandma Margaret.  I had never been to her home.  She is 87 years old and lives on her own.  Her house is spotless.  She no longer drives, but has friends nearby to help when her son cannot be there for her.  She is a busy woman despite her years.  She does craft work and sews.  By the way, she makes the most fantastic nylon scrubbing pads!   I learned something during that visit.

Grandma Margaret appreciates her life.

While I was there, we chatted about family and daily life.  She asked about the nieces and nephew, wanting to recall what grade they would be entering, and what they had done this summer.  Then she pulled out a book to share.

Over the years, our families have celebrated together.  When she visits her son, they visit Mum’s house for a meal and time to catch up with the children.  The children entertain her with dancing, reading stories, and making her cards and crafts.  My sister-in-law has sent her cards from the children, and we have assured she receives pictures of them when she cannot be near. 

The book she shared with me was a photo album. In the album, she had placed every photograph, every card or note, every drawing, every cutout snowflake that she had been given about or by the children.  She flipped the pages with me, and we reminisced, walking together through those memories.  She noted how much they had grown, and how much she had enjoyed watching the process, being a part of the family.

She had other books to share.  Each book contained cards and letters.  On some pages there were dried, pressed flowers from bouquets she had received.  There were ribbons from packages.  There were photographs that became a timeline. 

These books have become journals of her life.

She shared with me that she has been keeping a journal to tell her story.  She is recording what she remembers of her life, including her childhood.  She is sharing recipes.  She is telling stories.

Despite her years, she is still appreciating the life she has been given.   She is living.  I admire her desire to share a legacy with others.  

Getting old is a gift itself.  It is not a guarantee, as we well know.  Me?  I hope to get old and enjoy living, just like Grandma Margaret, whatever life may bring me. 

Speaking of gifts, I was thrilled my surprise parcel contained items hand crafted by Grandma Margaret:  A new apron, dish towels designed to hang on a cupboard door or handle, and three of her amazing nylon scrubbing pads!

My friend in Low Places shared a quote with me this morning from an unknown author:

“When they say I am too old to do something, I try to do it right away.”

I think that will fit me like a glove!

What harm is there in trying?

Sometimes the failures in life make the best stories to tell. 

Knowing my circle of family and friends who are family, I will not be alone when I try.

I have a feeling YOU will be there trying with me!  For us there will be no “too old”. 

For us it will be just right.

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