
Posts about training: how I stay fit, why I love to do it, and hoping to motivate others to find their fitness

15 Nov 2016

The Path

Submitted by Damselfly

Once home, I hit a wall.

I was physically and mentally exhausted.  The time change was not helpful.

I spent the first few days just getting back into some sort of routine.  I struggled with even the simplest of tasks.  I felt disorganized.  Everything I did took effort. 

I was so tired. 

28 Sep 2016

Comfort Zone

Submitted by Damselfly

As I have said before, I am a creature of habit.  I like my routines.  Even though I am a horrible dancer, my routines are well choreographed.  Each step is purposeful and allows me to roll through my daily tasks.  When I was working my “real job”, having a routine as a framework allowed me to hone my multi-tasking skills, which served me well. 

5 Sep 2016

Self Care

Submitted by Damselfly

I truly enjoy my work as a personal trainer.  It is an extension of what I love about fitness, teaching, and healthcare.  Being involved in the industry puts me in a state of mind to keep myself as healthy as I can to be sure I am able to convey that energy to others.

Sometimes life gets busy.

Sometimes “the list” gets so big it gets in the way.

Sometimes family obligations, social obligations, or even the weather puts a kink in my well-orchestrated plan and I am derailed.

Those are the days I feel my good intentions slipping out of reach.

16 Jun 2016


Submitted by Damselfly

Yesterday was not a “gym day”, but that does not mean I took a day off from training.  Given the weather was a bit unpredictable, I decided against a riding my bike as I did not feel like getting caught in the rain far from home.  I settled for a “run around the block”.  As we live in the country, my run around the block is a dirt road loop of just over three miles.  I jogged the first mile without a break, did the second mile with two “walk breaks”, and the third was a series of intervals of 30 seconds run, 30 seconds walk.  It was a not a great run, but it served to provide an adequate cardio workout for the day.

9 Jun 2016

Easy versus Simple

Submitted by Damselfly

I went to the gym this morning, as per my usual routine on Thursday.  I arrived about 7:45 AM, turned on the lights, started the music playing, and started my warm up.  As always, the start of my workout is a way to get my muscles warmed up and settle the spinning of my thoughts.  Time to focus on the workout.

4 Jun 2016

Slowing Down

Submitted by Damselfly

“There is never enough time to get everything done!”  Sound familiar?  We have become a society of multi-taskers.  The more we can get done, the more we are praised for the accomplishment.  We use technology, fast food, fast cars… whatever it takes to get more done in less time.  I too have been “that girl”.  


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